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Glengarry Light Infantry - Their First Tunic?

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 9:14 pm
by pud
If, at Summers end in 1812, the Glengarry troops had no tunics to wear then we should be able to safely assume that since they were in barracks at Montreal that they would be wearing forage or barracks dress/tunics.

The quotation to follow is taken from: PART III. Documentary History of the Campaign on the Niagara Frontier in 1812. Major E. Cruikshank. Printed at the Tribune: Welland, (year is unknown).

**Sir George Prevost to Earl Bathurst, Montreal, 12th September, 1812.

"My Lord,-I have been honored with Your Lordships despatch of the fourth of July. The despatches I have had the honor of addressing to Your Lordship and to Lord Liverpool since the declaration of war by the Congress of the United States against Great Britain will have afforded sufficient evidence to His Majesty's Government that I could not, consistent with my duty to my King and country, suspend the preparations for defence which I had been induced to make in consequence of the precarious state of the relations between Great Britain and America.

The convincing proof which His Royal Highness the Prince Regent has given of his desire to conciliate the government and people of the United States by his declaration of the 23rd of June, is not deemed sufficient by the President for the restoration of tranquillity to the Provinces, and Your Lordship will hear with surprise that every exertion is making by that Government for the subjugation of the Canadas that they may, if successful, be enabled in proud and haughty terms to commence their negotiations for a peace.

Notwithstanding the complete and disgraceful failure of the enemy in their attack upon the Western frontiers of Upper Canada, which I have already had the honor of detailing to Your Lordship in my former despatches, I learn by a despatch from Major General Brock, dated at Fort George the 7th inst., that they were assembling in great strength in front of our positions on the Niagara Frontier, and that he has every reason to believe from the great reinforcements they had recently received in troops, artillery and stores that they meditate an immediate invasion of the Province in that quarter. Although I have been induced to withdraw from Lower Canada a considerable body of troops for the purpose of enabling General Brock to meet the threatened attacks in the Upper Province, he still urges most strongly for fresh reinforcements to oppose the great force which the enemy are preparing to bring against him, but as the preparations and movements they are making towards the borders of this Province in the neighborhood of Montreal are strongly indicative of their intention and desire to penetrate in that direction, I have not been able in the present weak state of the regular force in this Province to spare one man from its defence. The necessity therefore of strengthening me by a further reinforcement of troops, to be employed both in Upper and Lower Canada must be obvious to Your Lordship, nor will it, I trust, be disregarded, if the greater interests of the country will admit of it. The disposition of the people in both Provinces, I am disposed to believe, is good, and, provided they can be supported, I think they can be depended upon, but I fear not much reliance can be placed upon them in the hour of adversity.

I am sorry to say the stores and accoutrements are not yet arrived, and that the want of clothing for the Glengarry Fencibles is a very serious inconvenience to His Majesty's service. I now humbly hope the precautionary measures I have considered it my indispensable duty to pursue, and which have hitherto enabled me to check the designs of the Government of the United States, will be favorably represented by Your Lordship for His Royal Highness's gracious approbation." (Canadian Archives,Q.118, p.247.)